
mineralogy, history, and metaphysics

Welcome to the Emerald page. Here, you will learn everything you need to know, including mineralogy, history, metaphysics, and more!





Found worldwide. Primarily mined in Colombia, Brazil, Pakistan, and the USA.


(Love, Awareness, Connection, Spiritual Growth)


Emerald belongs to the beryl family. It has a chemical formula of (Be3Al2(SiO3)6), and a Mohs hardness of 7 to 8. They are part of the hexagonal crystal system, and can form terrifically terminated crystals under ideal circumstances. They consist of a chromiferous compounds of beryllium, aluminum, and silicon. The deep green color of emerald is due to traces of the element chromium, and also, occasionally, vanadium.


According to Webster's Dictionary, the term emerald was first used in the 14th century. The current name is derived today via Old French “esmeraude”, and Middle English “emeraude”, but it was originally derived from the Greek, smáragdos, which translates as "green gem"; It should also be noted that the word may have a Semitic, Sanskrit or Persian origin. Ancient Egyptian locations on Mount Smaragdus have been in operation since 330 BC; there, the Ptolemaic Egyptians mined them for jewelry and trade, calling them smaragdi. Later, emeralds were mined at Mount Smaragdus throughout much of Greek and Roman Antiquity, where the name naturally transitioned to smáragdos. Egypt was considered the primary source of emerald until it was discovered in greater abundance during the year 1524, in present-day Colombia. Archeological evidence also suggests that certain locations in India and Austria had been mining the mineral since at least the 14th century AD. Today, Colombia is by far the world's largest producer of emeralds, providing upwards of 95% of the world’s production, depending on the year, source, and grade. Most Colombian emerald mining takes place in the Eastern Ranges of the Colombian Andes. It is considered the birthstone of May and the primary stone for the Astrological sign, Taurus.


Metaphysically, emerald is considered a crystal of the Heart Chakra. It is said that it can facilitate stabilized energies within domestic relationships, creating stronger connection and cohesiveness between partners. Emerald is also said to promote healthy friendships and new bonds, allowing the user to find better suited connections that will assist in finding a more purpose driven life. Physically, emerald is said to aid the body with recovery from infection and detoxification, as well as providing healing energies to the heart and lungs. It is also said that it can help to provide mental clarity and focus, while facilitating short- and long-term memory stimulation.